Who We Are
Every practice is unique. What makes you special is what connects you to your patients. We are a group of unique individuals who have been working in practice marketing for over 20 years. We have developed programs for practices utilizing both traditional and online marketing and we believe that the success of our clients is our success as well.
We help doctors connect to patients.
We believe that connecting to our communities is one of the most important parts of healthcare. We love helping make those connections.
What Is The Practice Dashboard?
We have created a space where practice managers or marketing directors can manage many of the most common marketing/social connections in one place.
This simple to understand dashboard eliminates the need to log into each individual social network to update, post and launch campaigns. It also allows you to streamline your marketing, schedule your updates and track your efforts through the practice dashboard.
Our Background
PracticeRetriever was developed out of over two decades of experience with practice marketing. Our CEO/founder, Beth Leach, began Internet marketing in 1992 with the creation of her first website. She is a practice marketing professional who has helped market over 10000 practices nationwide and in Canada. Beth is also a nationally recognized speaker who has presented social media, marketing and practice management seminars throughout the US and Canada.
Why PracticeRetriever?
Well, we love dogs and most of us here have at least one. The thing we love about our dogs is how social and friendly they are. There’s not a day that goes by that our dogs don’t love us unconditionally. So we decided on the name practice retriever because we believe that your patients should love you the way our dogs love us and with a social media presence where you have the ability to connect with your patients on a daily basis we believe you are one-step closer to having them love you too. The retriever in our minds is the dog which fetches all of the information and sites to the dashboard making your life much easier. And, isn’t that what dogs do? Make your life better? We hope you love the site as much as we love it.